Samstag, 29. Oktober 2016

Adzcoin V2 - how to Swap your old Adzcoin to Adz V2

New Update: ADZ v2 will not be released, the old Adzcoin Blockchain will be kept! Learn more about the Features and Possibilities here!

In this important update, I want to tell ou why Adz V1 will be discontinued, why you should be happy about it and how to turn your old Adzcoins into the new Adzcoin V2 token!

The Reason - 1 Year Free Traffic and 10% Interest

First of al, the main reason for this desicion is the fact, that a theft was able to steal a hughe amount of  Adz V1 some weeks ago! This is the main reason for the swap (Click here to read more about the reason)
The swap will be active till the 50.000.000 adz V1 is mined, then the old blockchain will become inactive, and the new Adzcoin V2 Crowdsale will start (10 Mil.Coins will be sold for .50 USD each). Each Adz V2 will represent a fraction of all Adviews on Adzbuzz and sister sites, this will give Adz V2 a amazing value right from the start, especialy as you don´t need to spend your adz in order to get advertising, you just need to lock your Adzcoin for a 1 year period to be able to advertise for free on Adzbuzz (As you don´t pay, just store your money .... Click here to read more!).

Adzcoin V2 

Adzcoin V2 is directly connected to the advertising oppertunity on Adzbuzz. The targeting and advertising will work similar to Facebook once the new ad server is ready, and with 1.000.000 of pageviews per day on Adzbuzz (and its still in the prelaunch phase), ther eis a hugh potential to make money not only by the increasing Adzcoin value (More Adzbuzz users = More Adviews = More Value per Adz), but by advertising your websites, oppertunities,products on Adzbuzz as well! The third mechanism to make it evenmore attractive is the 10% inflation, which will be paid to Adzcoin Advertisers, see the example below or here!

Prelaunch Bonus

Beside the fact that you can buy Adzcoin V1 for pennies right now, and turn it into Adzcoin V2 in a 1 to 1 ratio, there is another bonus why you really should care about these changes, and get yourself a few adzcoin V1 to be part of this oppertunity :

10 Million Adz v2 will be sold inside the ICO for 0.50 usd each. This can turn out in 5 Million USD, 20% will be distributet amongs all Buzzpower holder (Read Adz V2 holder), as there are just 40.000.000 Adzcoins, you can earn up to :

1000     ADZ =     25 USD
10000   ADZ =   250 USD
100000 ADZ = 2500 USD

Read more about this exclusive bonus here!

Paid as bonus just for acting now (Or beeing a part of it already)

How to Swap your Coins -Step by Step

Here are the steps to swap your existing coins, or to get even more on Yobit or Livecoin to prepare for the Launch :

1. Buy Adzcoin on Yobit or Livecoin by following these instructions
2. Create an Adzbuzz Account if you havn´t already by Clicking here!
3. After logging in, click on the My Adzcoin link inside the top right menue!
4. Copy your wallet address and send your AdzcoinV1 to your Adzbuzz online wallet!
5. All coins stored in your wallet will be turned into Adz v2 on autopilot!

Do not miss to read this short pdf for a much more detailed report about Adzcoin V2!

Mittwoch, 31. August 2016

Adzcoin Project Explained in Detail

Watch the following video to get a complete inside look into the Adzcoin project, Adzbuzz and the whole network of sites!

Click here to create a free account on Adzbuzz NOW!

Adzbuzz is not only a social network paing its members just like TSU, its in fact a lot more! Adzbuzz offers effective advertising, a PoS (Prove of Stake) like service to make a passive income, the Adzbuzz will be released soon, this will become the social sharing app to get your conent shared on Adzbuzz while you earna  recurring income and much more! Just watch the whole video and you will know what I´m talking about!

Benefits for internet Users

- earn daily adz for loggingin and other actions (Installing the browser extention for example)
- Interact with your friends and family members
- help to make the Internet less annoying and distracting
- Save if you buy something online
- get discounts or pay for your goods in Adz

Benefits for internet marketer, Website owner and product vendors

- get paid regulary just for installing the Adzbuzz Sharing app (comes soon)
- get traffic from shares on Adzbuzz
- Invite your visitors to Adzbuzz (though the sharing button) and build your downline
- Use Adzbuzz to build upa  relationship and increase shares and earnings the same time!
- Buy additional traffic using Adzcoin

Ensure to take a look at this article to learn more about Adzcoin, the cryptocurrency related to the Adzbuzz social network!

Adzbuzz - The Conzept Behind this Unique Social Network

Welcome to this article about the overall concept behind Adzbuzz, the social network paying you! Ensure to watch the entire video in order to find out why Adzbuzz will become one of the major social networks soon!

As you can see, its a solution for a real problem and it offers a unique solution! Ensure to read my Profitshare vs. Revshare article for more infos about the Profit sharing conceptpart!

Also do not miss my next posts regarding the lifetime traffic offer and Buzz power upgrade!

Samstag, 30. Juli 2016

Adzbuzz - Profitshare vs. Revshare

In this post I want to tell all Revshare fans (or users) about an intersting new concept with some great advantages compared to "traditional revshare". The service i´m talking about is called Adzbuzz (or the most popular part of it, in fact there are many other sites and services behind Adzbuzz).

Please keep in mind that revshare is only one concept behind this project I focus on in this post, others are social networking, privacy, adblock decrease in earnings, free webcontent and much more! (Click here for a full summary)

Adzbuzz is a free to join social network, paying its members for logging in and a few other activities at the moment (approx. 10% of the adzbuzz revenue). as Adzbuzz member, you have the option to upgrade your account (called Buzzer Upgrade) in order to increase your revenue share earnings from Adzbuzz massively. Depending on the package level, you will earn a profit between 5 - 30%, this profit is generated by several sources :

• ADZ Payment Processor
• ADZbuzz Marketplace (Still in beta)
• ADZbuzz Web Wallet
• ADZ Coin Cashback + Extension
• ADZbuzz VIP offer
• Lifelong ADZbuzz Traffic Offer
• ADZbuzz Ad Server
• Notification Bar Ad Packages
• ADZbuzz Forum VIP Offer
• Solo Ad Mailings (Still in development)
• Group / Page Suggestion Ads (Still in development)
• ADZbuzzer Social Share Feature (Still in development)
• ADZbuzz YouTube/forum API (Still in development)

Attention: Your investment will NOT be used to pay other members cashback!

After you buy a Buzzer Upgrade, your initial investment will be stored seperatly and will not be touched by anybody, its also direcly added to your cashback balance! From day 1 on you will get your daily profitshare paid to the cashback balance, this means you are in profit from day one!

If you like the idea, ensure to sign up for free at Adzbuzz by clicking here!

But even better, you can access your initial investment whenever you like, but in the case you use this option before the whole cashback amount is reached, you will loose your cashback profits! (anyway, if needed, you can get your money back ASAP)

The main differences are :

    Your investment will not be touched to pay other members!
    You can access your initial investment whenever you like!
    Your initial investment will be added to your cashback balance directly, this means you make profit from day 1!
    The payments will directly connected to the company earnings and will be calculated each day, so more company earnings will lead to faster repayments! (This process will be automated completely soon)

More benefits as upgraded member:

    Get paid daily till you reach the cashback balance!
    Find friends and promote your business oppertunity on Adzbuzz!
    Ad the Adzbuzzer Sharing api to yourwebsite or blog to get paid daily and for every share your visitors perform!
    Earn 10% referal commissions for every purchase and action your referal fullfills!
    Much more comming soon

If you like the idea, ensure to sign up for free at Adzbuzz by clicking here!

One important thing to know is, that all cashback amounts and products are paid in Adzcoin, the crypto currency dedicated to Adzbuzz and the whole network of sites!

Adz are relative cheap at this moment, as its just launching to the puplic, but they already are worth something between 0.015 - 0.025 USD. As more and more people are storing their adz in cashback upgrades, the value of adz is rising now and in the future! The usage of this crypto currency may seem complicated for others,but its in fact realitvely easy to use, and offers some benefits as the value will increase massively in the near future as more andmore people are using Adzcoin and more services are accepting adzcoin!

Ensure to follow my Blog at in order to get the latest information about the Adzbuzz Profitshare Concept!

Freitag, 10. Juni 2016

Become a Official Adzbuzz/Startpeeps Partner!

Hello, today I want to tell you about the oppertunity to become a lifelong Adzbuzz (previously Startpeeps) partner. This means a backlink from the Adzbuzz Homepage and 10.000 Advertising Credits for Adzbuzz will be directly added to your account just for signing up here! But before you head over, let us take a look at the benefits and requirements :

Benefits of becomming an Adzbuzz Partner

If you are a blogger, website owner or youtuber you know how hard it can be to get quality backlinks and traffic to your site, Adzbuzz is giving away a free, lifelong backlink from the social network Adzbuzz, as well as 10.000 Adcredits for the internal ad server (in development).

After signing up you will get the chance to purchase lifelong advertising spots to get your website promoted on Adzbuzz for a lifetime!

I´m sure you see the potential, as Adzbuzz and Adzcoin are solving a actual online problem (Ad Block and Website Income - the the infografic below) in combination with the strong marketing and development team as well as the other assets (Forum, Blog, Startpeepsmarket, Adzbuzzcoupons,The browser extention and much more to come the next weeks) has a good chance to go viral fast! (Btw. There are already 50.000 - 100.000 active members on Adzbuzz!)

How to become an Adzbuzz Partner and get Traffic for Life

In order to apply for the Adzbuzz Partner Program, just follow the steps outlined below :

1. Sign up At Adzbuzz by clicking here (If you need an affiliate code, use "benhuebner")
2. Sign Into your Adzbuzz Account and Click here afterwards!
3. Fill out the Form and Hit the  Signup Button!
4. Confirm your email address and fill out the form to get your website added!)
5. Purchase 1 or more advertising spots to drive quality traffic to your offers for a lifetime!

Tip: Do not miss to add the Adzbuzzer Share Button as soon as its released to earn even more whenever your content gets shared on Adzbuzz by someone else!

Btw. There are many other reasons for publisher to join Adzbuzz, just a few of them : 

1. Connect with your audience just like on Facebook!
2. Earn Money just for beeing active on Adzbuzz!
3. Add the Adzbuzzer to your website,blog or video description to ask for donations, shares and to earn in several ways!
4. Invite your audience to Adzbuzz and build a 3 level deep downline to earn from your audience for a lifetime!
5. Sell your products for Adzcoin using the integrated Payment gate. This way your audience can earn Adzcoin on Adzbuzz or using the Browser Extention they can use to get a discount for their purchase!
6. Much more features and benefits are comming soon!

Click here and Sign up for Adzbuzz NOW! 


If you don´t know much about Adzbuzz and the whole concept behind, click here and take a look at this Infografic (Share it if you like it!) :

Click here and Sign up for Adzbuzz NOW!