Freitag, 10. Juni 2016

Become a Official Adzbuzz/Startpeeps Partner!

Hello, today I want to tell you about the oppertunity to become a lifelong Adzbuzz (previously Startpeeps) partner. This means a backlink from the Adzbuzz Homepage and 10.000 Advertising Credits for Adzbuzz will be directly added to your account just for signing up here! But before you head over, let us take a look at the benefits and requirements :

Benefits of becomming an Adzbuzz Partner

If you are a blogger, website owner or youtuber you know how hard it can be to get quality backlinks and traffic to your site, Adzbuzz is giving away a free, lifelong backlink from the social network Adzbuzz, as well as 10.000 Adcredits for the internal ad server (in development).

After signing up you will get the chance to purchase lifelong advertising spots to get your website promoted on Adzbuzz for a lifetime!

I´m sure you see the potential, as Adzbuzz and Adzcoin are solving a actual online problem (Ad Block and Website Income - the the infografic below) in combination with the strong marketing and development team as well as the other assets (Forum, Blog, Startpeepsmarket, Adzbuzzcoupons,The browser extention and much more to come the next weeks) has a good chance to go viral fast! (Btw. There are already 50.000 - 100.000 active members on Adzbuzz!)

How to become an Adzbuzz Partner and get Traffic for Life

In order to apply for the Adzbuzz Partner Program, just follow the steps outlined below :

1. Sign up At Adzbuzz by clicking here (If you need an affiliate code, use "benhuebner")
2. Sign Into your Adzbuzz Account and Click here afterwards!
3. Fill out the Form and Hit the  Signup Button!
4. Confirm your email address and fill out the form to get your website added!)
5. Purchase 1 or more advertising spots to drive quality traffic to your offers for a lifetime!

Tip: Do not miss to add the Adzbuzzer Share Button as soon as its released to earn even more whenever your content gets shared on Adzbuzz by someone else!

Btw. There are many other reasons for publisher to join Adzbuzz, just a few of them : 

1. Connect with your audience just like on Facebook!
2. Earn Money just for beeing active on Adzbuzz!
3. Add the Adzbuzzer to your website,blog or video description to ask for donations, shares and to earn in several ways!
4. Invite your audience to Adzbuzz and build a 3 level deep downline to earn from your audience for a lifetime!
5. Sell your products for Adzcoin using the integrated Payment gate. This way your audience can earn Adzcoin on Adzbuzz or using the Browser Extention they can use to get a discount for their purchase!
6. Much more features and benefits are comming soon!

Click here and Sign up for Adzbuzz NOW! 


If you don´t know much about Adzbuzz and the whole concept behind, click here and take a look at this Infografic (Share it if you like it!) :

Click here and Sign up for Adzbuzz NOW!